Unburdening of your administration

How much of your valuable time is lost on your administration? Time that you could have spent on your company. KnowHowe unburdens you of these administrative tasks and can give you room to concentrate on what you’re good at: being an entrepreneur! Only by fully focussing on your value proposition, can your company grow in the right manner.

Marion Howe business administration
Marion Howe business administration

Entrepreneur, make your life easier

As the owner of a (fast) growing company, you have many challenges to face every day. Besides the fact that you have to be involved with your prospects, clients, and investors, you also have to give energy to creating and building the core value proposition of your company. You also need to be able to guarantee the financial stability of your company and you have to anticipate future financial demands. And as if that isn’t enough, you also have the responsibility of employees and have to comply with countless legal demands. As business administrator, KnowHowe can help you with all of this and make your life easier, simpler, and perhaps cheaper.

Specialized services

With my many years of experience, my knowledge is very diverse and I can be of service on many fronts.
Read more about my services here.

Happy clients…

  • ‘You did a great job of getting us online=Now we remember why we wanted everything online and not in paper folders in a cupboard- ?’
  • ‘Thank you for the pleasant collaboration and of course, I wish you all the best for the future. I’m sure we’ll meet again. All the best with KnowHowe!!’
  • ‘ The accountability form has changed. I cannot figure it out. Do you have time to help me-I am now panicking-This is sooooo not my thing ?-The accountability has been approved! Thank you so much ?‍♀’
  • ‘Thank you, Marion!!!! Fantastic! Payment is done! ?’
  • ‘Sorry that I bothered you on the weekend and thank you for all your efforts!’
  • ‘It went very well, Marion. Thank you ??’

Shall we go for it?

Do you want a well-organized administration, a fully functioning back office, or help in other financial areas?